Manitoba – Baldy Mountain

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The highest crest in Manitoba is Baldy Mountain, at 831.2 metres (2,727 feet). It is located in Duck Mountain Provincial Park, 60 kilometers northwest of Dauphin.

Prepare to journey through time as you delve into the intriguing history and cultural significance of Baldy Mountain. From serving as a sacred sanctuary for Indigenous communities to guiding brave pioneers through uncharted territories, every step on Baldy Mountain is a step into the annals of Canadian history.

View from Baldy Mountain

Author : Jimmy Emerson, DVM –

Baldy Mountain. 832 metres, 2,730 feet

Attribute Details
Altitude 832 m, 2,730 ft
Location 51°28′ 07″ N – 100°43′ 42” W
NTS Map 062 N/07 Baldy Mountain
Calendar All year, summer preferable or early Fall
Parks Duck Mountain Provincial Park
Information 1-800-214-6497 or (204) 945-6784
Campsite reservations 1-888-4U2-CAMP (1-888-482-2267) or (204) 948-3333
Fast Facts
  • CAPITAL: Winnipeg, Man
  • PROVINCIAL FLOWER: Prairie Crocus
  • PROVINCIAL BIRD: Great Gray Owl
  • PROVINCIAL TREE: White Spruce
Web Links

Exploring the Historical and Cultural Significance

  • Sacred Grounds of Indigenous Peoples: Baldy Mountain stands as a revered symbol, deeply ingrained in the spiritual beliefs and cultural heritage of Indigenous communities. For generations, it has served as a sacred gathering place, where stories of creation, resilience, and harmony with nature are passed down through generations.
  • A Beacon for Explorers and Traders: Centuries ago, Baldy Mountain cast its distinctive silhouette across the horizon, guiding intrepid explorers and traders through the rugged wilderness of the Canadian Prairies. Its towering presence provided a reassuring landmark amidst the vastness of the landscape, marking the way for those venturing into uncharted territories.
  • Pioneers and Homesteaders: The late 19th century witnessed the arrival of settlers drawn by promises of fertile land and boundless opportunity. Pioneers and homesteaders carved out a life on the frontier, cultivating the land and forging communities that would shape the cultural landscape of the region.
  • A Playground for Outdoor Enthusiasts: Today, Baldy Mountain beckons adventurers and nature enthusiasts with its rugged trails, serene forests, and panoramic vistas. Hikers, campers, and outdoor enthusiasts flock to its slopes, seeking solace, inspiration, and a deeper connection with the natural world.
  • Stewardship and Conservation: As custodians of this cherished landscape, we are committed to preserving its ecological integrity and cultural heritage. Through collaborative conservation efforts, we honor the traditions of the past while safeguarding the biodiversity and natural beauty of this iconic landmark for future generations to cherish.
The Baldy Mountain Lookout Tower

Author: Jimmy Emerson, DVM –

Safeguarding Your Adventure: Crucial Safety Guidelines

Embarking on a journey to explore the untamed beauty of Baldy Mountain and its surrounding wilderness promises an exhilarating experience, but safety should always remain paramount.

Hydration Essentials

Never underestimate the importance of staying hydrated. Carry an ample water supply, especially if your expedition involves prolonged outdoor activities. Sipping water at regular intervals is crucial to combat dehydration, a stealthy adversary that can swiftly derail your adventure.

Dress Wisely

Choose your attire thoughtfully, considering the prevailing weather conditions. Layer up for warmth during cooler seasons and opt for breathable fabrics to stay cool in warmer weather. Equip yourself with sturdy footwear to navigate the rugged terrain safely and comfortably.

Wildlife Awareness

Baldy Mountain is a haven for diverse wildlife, including majestic bears, elusive moose, and soaring birds of prey. While encountering these creatures can be exhilarating, exercise caution by maintaining a respectful distance and refraining from any actions that may provoke them. Carry bear spray as a precautionary measure and acquaint yourself with wildlife safety protocols.

Know Your Limits

Respect your physical limitations and experience level when planning your adventure. Select trails and activities that align with your fitness level, and don’t hesitate to take breaks to rest and rejuvenate. Overexertion increases the risk of injury or exhaustion, potentially dampening the enjoyment of your adventure.

Stay on the Beaten Path

Veering off marked trails can lead to unintended consequences. Stick to designated paths to minimize the risk of getting lost or encountering hazardous terrain. Show respect for trail closures or restrictions, as they are in place to safeguard both visitors and the fragile ecosystem.

Weather Preparedness

Check the weather forecast before setting out and equip yourself accordingly. Unpredictable weather patterns can pose challenges, so pack versatile clothing and gear to adapt to changing conditions. Flexibility is key, allowing you to adjust your plans if needed to ensure a safe and enjoyable adventure.

Share Your Plans

Prioritize safety by informing a trusted individual of your itinerary, including your intended route and estimated return time. This precautionary step ensures that someone is aware of your whereabouts and can initiate assistance in case of emergencies.

First Aid Preparedness

Be proactive in addressing minor injuries by carrying a well-stocked first aid kit. Essentials such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain relievers can prove invaluable in treating minor mishaps and ensuring your adventure continues smoothly.

By adhering to these safety guidelines and exercising caution throughout your journey to Baldy Mountain, you can embark on an unforgettable outdoor adventure with confidence and peace of mind.


Baldy Mountain, towering at 831.2 meters (2,727 feet), claims the title of Manitoba’s loftiest peak, nestled within the scenic embrace of Duck Mountain Provincial Park. Steeped in a tapestry of narratives, Baldy Mountain holds sacred significance for Indigenous communities, serving as a beacon of spiritual connection and resilience throughout generations. Transforming from a guiding light for early explorers to a haven for modern adventurers, Baldy Mountain’s rugged terrain and panoramic vistas continue to captivate outdoor enthusiasts of all stripes. Championing the cause of conservation, efforts to safeguard Baldy Mountain’s ecological treasures and cultural legacy are a testament to our collective commitment to preserving natural wonders. Embarking on a safe and fulfilling journey to Baldy Mountain necessitates adherence to essential safety guidelines, ensuring a seamless blend of excitement and security amidst nature’s splendor.


Is Baldy Mountain open to visitors year-round?

Yes, Baldy Mountain is accessible to visitors throughout the year. However, summer is generally considered the preferable time to visit, with early fall also offering favorable weather conditions for outdoor exploration.

Are there any guided tours available for exploring Baldy Mountain?

While guided tours may not be readily available, there are plenty of resources and information provided by park authorities to assist visitors in exploring Baldy Mountain safely and responsibly.

What wildlife can be encountered while hiking on Baldy Mountain?

Baldy Mountain is home to a diverse array of wildlife, including bears, moose, and various bird species. Visitors should exercise caution and adhere to wildlife safety protocols to minimize encounters and ensure mutual respect between humans and animals.

Are there camping facilities available near Baldy Mountain?

Yes, camping facilities are available within Duck Mountain Provincial Park, which encompasses Baldy Mountain. Visitors can make campsite reservations in advance to ensure accommodation during their stay.

What are some recommended safety measures for hiking on Baldy Mountain?

Essential safety measures include staying hydrated, dressing appropriately for the weather, maintaining wildlife awareness, knowing personal limits, staying on designated trails, checking the weather forecast, informing others of your itinerary, and carrying a first aid kit.

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